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psychological function

Here are some useful resources for further information.

Food + Mood

British Dietetic Association food fact sheet on what to eat for a better mood

Mind Charity

explore the relationship between what you eat and how you feel 

Mental Health Foundation

information about mental health and to help you to look after your mental health 

The MIND Diet

a nice summary by Harvard Health of foods to include in your diet

B vitamins

information from the NHS about B vitamins and how much to take 

Insta Live

a 30 minute chat with dietitian Sophie Medlin about diet and brain health 

SMILES trial

summary of the SMILES trial that found the Mediterranean diet can help combat depression

Food + Mood

A meta-analysis of dietary interventions on mood by Firth et. al. 2019

The Food and Mood Centre

a world-leading, multi-disciplinary research centre focused on nutritional psychiatry