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Crunchy, tasty and highly nutritious, the first evidence of carrots being eaten was in the Persian Empire in the 10th century AD. Ancient carrots were purple and white. The orange carrots we typically see now likely originated from a new breed of yellow carrots which were developed as a result of a genetic mutation.

Rich in


  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin K
  • Potassium
  • Fibre
  • Vitamin C

Key health benefits



  • Linked with a decrease risk of multiple diseases. Carrots are a great source of many plant compounds especially carotenoids such as beta-carotene and lutein. Carotenoids are substances which give carrots their colour. They are also powerful antioxidants which play a role in the prevention of many illnesses including heart disease, various degenerative conditions and certain type of cancer (1,2).
  • Support eye health. Carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin found in plentiful amounts in carrots are essential for healthy eyes. They may also cut your risk of age-related macular degeneration (3,4).
  • May reduce inflammation. All types of carrots are highly nutritious however purple carrots are especially rich in powerful antioxidants known as anthocynanins. Anthocyanins protect against many health conditions, especially those related to inflammation (5).
  • May promote weight loss. Carrots are a good source of fibre which helps you feel fuller for longer. Replacing high-calorie, processed snacks with highly nutritious vegetables like carrots can help you reduce your overall calorie intake and may lead to healthy weight loss (6).

Cooking tips


  • There are many ways to enjoy carrots. They can be grated into a salad, roasted, added to baking products, overnight oats or enjoyed raw.
  • Carrots are the perfect snack – crunchy, tasty and highly nutritious.
  • Orange carrots are high in beta carotene and antioxidants whose absorption is better (up to 6.5 fold) if the carrots are cooked. Eating fat with carrots can help you absorb more of the beta carotene too.

Dr. Linia Patel

Registered dietitian

IG: @liniapatelnutrition